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How Do I Add an Avatar, Cover Image and Bio?

Once your account is setup, you'll want it to look enticing for customers. Adding a cover image, profile picture and bio are the perfect ways to do this. Think about your branding here. You’ll want this to feel cohesive and distinctly you.


Navigate to your shop by hovering over the avatar in the top right of the site and click on "View Shop"


You'll notice a tab that says "Edit Shop" next to your follower's and design counter. Click this tab then select the "Appearance" option.


Suggested Specifications:

        Avatar = Square (1:1)

        Banner = 1000x100px


Be thoughtful with your bio. Some key benefits of having a great bio are:

  • Improves SEO and ability to be found through Google search
  • Allows customers to get to know the person behind the designs
  • Helps the Society6 team in selecting artists for features

For more tips on how to write a great bio, check out this blog post!


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